Smbat Sparapet and Het'um the Historian

Smbat Sparapet and Hetum the Historian


These materials were originally compiled by Robert Bedrosian and are provided here as a mirror.




Burger, G. (2000). Cilician Armenian Métissage and Hetoum’s La Fleur des histoires de la terre d’Orient. The Postcolonial Middle Ages (ed. J. Cohen), pp. 67-83. New York.


Der Nersessian, S. (1959). The Armenian Chronicle of the Constable Smpad or of the ‘Royal Historian’. Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 13, 142-168.


Richard, J. (1986). Le letter du Connétable Smbat et les rapports entre Chrétiens et Mongols au milieu de XIIIème siècle. Armenian Studies in Memoriam Haig Berberian (ed. Kouymjian, D.), pp. 683-696.


Zarbanalian, K. (1865). Հեթում Պատմիչ [Het’um the Historian]. Հայկական հին դպրութեան պատմութիւն [History of Ancient Armenian Literature]. Venice. An English translation of this article can be read here.


Zarbanalian, K. (1865). Սմբատ Սպարապետ [Smbat Sparapet], from Հայկական հին դպրութեան պատմութիւն [History of Ancient Armenian Literature]. Venice. An English translation of this article can be read here.





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