Lectio Secunda

Learn Latin on the Armenian Antilibrary, by Beyon Miloyan

Hichic: pron.nom.sg.masc. Eng: this parvusparvus: adj.nom.sg.masc. Eng: small porcusporcus: noun.nom.sg.masc. Eng: pig venitvenire: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: he came inin: prep. Eng: to forum.forum: noun.acc.sg.neut. Eng: marketplace Hichic: pron.nom.sg.masc. Eng: this parvusparvus: adj.nom.sg.masc. Eng: small porcusporcus: noun.nom.sg.masc. Eng: pig remansitremanere: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: remain domi.domi: noun.loc.sg./adv. Eng: home Hichic: pron.nom.sg.masc. Eng: this parvusparvus: adj.nom.sg.masc. Eng: small porcusporcus: noun.nom.sg.masc. Eng: pig habuithabeo: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: have carnescarnes: noun.acc.pl.fem. Eng: meat bovinasbovinus: adj.acc.pl.fem. Eng: beef assas.assus: adj.acc.pl.fem. Eng: roast Hichic: pron.nom.sg.masc. Eng: this parvusparvus: adj.nom.sg.masc. Eng: small porcusporcus: noun.nom.sg.masc. Eng: pig nonnon: adv. Eng: not habuit.habeo: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: have Hichic: pron.nom.sg.masc. Eng: this parvusparvus: adj.nom.sg.masc. Eng: small porcusporcus: noun.nom.sg.masc. Eng: pig exclamavit:exclamo: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: exclaim Oui! Oui! Oui! Porciporcus: noun.nom.pl.masc. Eng: pig dixerunt:dico: verb.past.perf.3per.pl. Eng: say Oink! Oink!

Romaprop. fuitsum: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: be urbsurbs: noun.nom.sg.fem. Eng: city magna.magnus: adj.nom.sg.fem. Eng: great, large Romaniprop. amaveruntamo: verb.past.perf.3per.pl. Eng: love Romam.prop. Romaprop. fuitsum: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: be antiqua.antiquus: adj.nom.sg.fem. Eng: ancient Romaniprop. dixeruntdico: verb.past.perf.3per.pl. Eng: say quodquod: conj. Eng: that, because Romulusprop. etet: conj. Eng: and Remusprop. fundaveruntfundo: verb.past.perf.3per.pl. Eng: pour out, found Romam.prop. Sedsed: conj. Eng: but nonnon: adv. Eng: not dixeruntdico: verb.past.perf.3per.pl. Eng: say veritatem.veritas: noun.acc.sg.fem. Eng: truth

Inin: prep. Eng: to annoannus: noun.abl.sg.masc. Eng: year millesimomillesimus: adj.abl.sg.masc. Eng: thousand anteante: prep. Eng: before Christum,prop. virivir: noun.nom.pl.masc. Eng: man iamiam: adv. Eng: already fueruntsum: verb.past.perf.3per.pl. Eng: be, live inin: prep. Eng: to terraterra: noun.abl.sg.fem. Eng: land Romana.prop. Etrusciprop. fundaveruntfundo: verb.past.perf.3per.pl. Eng: pour out, found Romam.prop. Etrusciprop. amaveruntamo: verb.past.perf.3per.pl. Eng: love Romanos.prop. Romaniprop. amaveruntamo: verb.past.perf.3per.pl. Eng: love terrasterra: noun.acc.pl.fem. Eng: land Romanas.prop. Sedsed: conj. Eng: but nonnon: adv. Eng: not habuerunthabeo: verb.past.perf.3per.pl. Eng: have urbesurbs: noun.acc.pl.fem. Eng: city magnas.magnus: adj.acc.pl.fem. Eng: great, large

Cogitemuscogito: verb.pres.1per.pl. Eng: think nuncnunc: adv. Eng: now

Verbs: Last time we saw verbs ending in -it. They were singular (sg.). The subject of those verbs was singular. But when the subject is plural (pl.), the verbs must be plural too. To make the verbs plural, we change the ending -it to -erunt. But we do not care if the object is plural. That does not affect the verb. To sum up: we have two verb endings so far: -it for singular: -erunt for plural.

Nouns: But on nouns we can have four different endings now. We can have singular (sg.) or plural (pl.) for the subject (nominative case, nom.). And we can have singular or plural for the object (accusative case, acc.). We will not bother to learn the subject patterns now. But we could look at the object patterns. We have several different types of nouns. Let us look at one of each family. We will give singular and plural accusative case endings for each:

  1. Terram, terras (-am, -as)
  2. Porcum, porcos (-um, -os)
  3. Urbem, urbes (-em, -es)

Adjectives: Words like magnus and parvus are adjectives. For the present, just be satisfied to get their meaning.

Quod: Notice how quod was used. We have used it only in combinations such as these: he says that, or he thinks that. We call this one use of quod: the dixit quod pattern or the indirect statement. In it we tell, without quote marks, and in an inexact way, what someone says or thinks.

Mariaprop. etet: conj. Eng: and Marcusprop. videruntvideo: verb.past.perf.3per.pl. Eng: see agnum.agnus: noun.acc.sg.masc. Eng: lamb Agnusagnus: noun.nom.sg.masc. Eng: lamb fuitsum: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: be inin: prep. Eng: to schola.schola: noun.abl.sg.fem. Eng: school Marcusprop. etet: conj. Eng: and Mariaprop. dixeruntdico: verb.past.perf.3per.pl. Eng: say quodquod: conj. Eng: that, because agnusagnus: noun.nom.sg.masc. Eng: lamb fuitsum: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: be inin: prep. Eng: to schola.schola: noun.abl.sg.fem. Eng: school Videruntvideo: verb.past.perf.3per.pl. Eng: see agnumagnus: noun.acc.sg.masc. Eng: lamb inin: prep. Eng: to schola.schola: noun.abl.sg.fem. Eng: school Nonnon: adv. Eng: not videruntvideo: verb.past.perf.3per.pl. Eng: see Columbumprop. inin: prep. Eng: to schola.schola: noun.abl.sg.fem. Eng: school Nonnon: adv. Eng: not dixeruntdico: verb.past.perf.3per.pl. Eng: say quodquod: conj. Eng: that, because Columbusprop. fuitsum: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: be inin: prep. Eng: to terraterra: noun.abl.sg.fem. Eng: land Romana.prop. Sedsed: conj. Eng: but agnusagnus: noun.nom.sg.masc. Eng: lamb exclamavitexclamo: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: exclaim inin: prep. Eng: to schola.schola: noun.abl.sg.fem. Eng: school Agnusagnus: noun.nom.sg.masc. Eng: lamb dixit:dico: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: say baa. Columbusprop. dixitdico: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: say quodquod: conj. Eng: that, because agnusagnus: noun.nom.sg.masc. Eng: lamb dixit:dico: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: say baa. Porciporcus: noun.nom.pl.masc. Eng: pig nonnon: adv. Eng: not fueruntsum: verb.past.perf.3per.pl. Eng: be, live inin: prep. Eng: to schola.schola: noun.abl.sg.fem. Eng: school Porciporcus: noun.nom.pl.masc. Eng: pig fueruntsum: verb.past.perf.3per.pl. Eng: be, live inin: prep. Eng: to terraterra: noun.abl.sg.fem. Eng: land Romana.prop. Porciporcus: noun.nom.pl.masc. Eng: pig dixerunt:dico: verb.past.perf.3per.pl. Eng: say oink. Porciporcus: noun.nom.pl.masc. Eng: pig dixerunt:dico: verb.past.perf.3per.pl. Eng: say oui! Porciporcus: noun.nom.pl.masc. Eng: pig nonnon: adv. Eng: not fueruntsum: verb.past.perf.3per.pl. Eng: be, live albi.albus: adj.nom.pl.masc. Eng: white Porciporcus: noun.nom.pl.masc. Eng: pig fueruntsum: verb.past.perf.3per.pl. Eng: be, live rotundi.rotundus: adj.nom.pl.masc. Eng: round Hichic: pron.nom.sg.masc. Eng: this porcusporcus: noun.nom.sg.masc. Eng: pig fuitsum: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: be inin: prep. Eng: to urbe.urbs: noun.abl.sg.fem. Eng: city Agnusagnus: noun.nom.sg.masc. Eng: lamb nonnon: adv. Eng: not dixit:dico: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: say oink. Columbusprop. nonnon: adv. Eng: not dixitdico: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: say quodquod: conj. Eng: that, because agnusagnus: noun.nom.sg.masc. Eng: lamb dixit:dico: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: say oink. Columbusprop. dixitdico: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: say quodquod: conj. Eng: that, because agnusagnus: noun.nom.sg.masc. Eng: lamb dixit:dico: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: say baa. Columbusprop. veritatemveritas: noun.acc.sg.fem. Eng: truth dixit.dico: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: say Marcusprop. dixitdico: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: say quodquod: conj. Eng: that, because agnusagnus: noun.nom.sg.masc. Eng: lamb dixit:dico: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: say oink. Marcusprop. veritatemveritas: noun.acc.sg.fem. Eng: truth nonnon: adv. Eng: not dixit.dico: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: say Columbusprop. nonnon: adv. Eng: not habuithabeo: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: have porcos.porcus: noun.acc.pl.masc. Eng: pig Agniagnus: noun.nom.pl.masc. Eng: lamb veneruntvenio: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: come inin: prep. Eng: to navem.navis: noun.acc.sg.fem. Eng: ship Columbusprop. amavitamo: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: love agnos.agnus: noun.acc.pl.masc. Eng: lamb Columbusprop. nonnon: adv. Eng: not amavitamo: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: love porcos.porcus: noun.nom.pl.masc. Eng: pig Columbusprop. invenitinvenio: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: find agnosagnus: noun.acc.pl.masc. Eng: lamb inin: prep. Eng: to America.prop. Reginaregina: noun.nom.sg.fem. Eng: queen nonnon: adv. Eng: not fuitsum: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: be parva.parvus: adj.nom.sg.fem. Eng: small Reginaregina: noun.nom.sg.fem. Eng: queen deditdo: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: give pecuniam.pecunia: noun.acc.sg.fem. Eng: money Marcusprop. amavitamo: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: love puellam.puella: noun.acc.fem.sg. Eng: girl


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