Lectio Prima
Columbusprop. fuitsum: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: be nauta.nauta: noun.nom.sg.masc. Eng: sailor Sedsed: conj. Eng: but Columbusprop. nonnon: adv. Eng: not habuithabeo: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: have navem.navis: noun.acc.sg.fem. Eng: ship Columbusprop. venitvenio: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: come adad: prep. Eng: to Reginamregina: noun.acc.sg.fem. Eng: queen Isabellam.prop. Columbusprop. dixit:dico: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: say Mundusmundus: noun.nom.sg.masc. Eng: world estsum: verb.pres.3per.sg. Eng: be rotundus.rotundus: adj.nom.sg.masc. Eng: round Mundusmundus: noun.nom.sg.masc. Eng: world nonnon: adv. Eng: not estsum: verb.pres.3per.sg. Eng: be planus.planus: adj.nom.sg.masc. Eng: flat Reginaregina: noun.nom.sg.fem. Eng: queen deditdo: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: give pecuniam.pecunia: noun.acc.sg.fem. Eng: money Columbusprop. nonnon: adv. Eng: not invenitinvenio: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: find Indiam.prop. Columbusprop. invenitinvenio: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: find Americam.prop. Americaprop. nonnon: adv. Eng: not fuitsum: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: be parva.parva: adj.nom.sg.fem. Eng: small
Cogitemuscogito: verb.pres.1per.pl. Eng: think
nuncnunc: adv. Eng: now
Here is an English sentence: Marcus saw the lamb (Marcus vidit agnum). There are three important words in it. Marcus is the subject; it is in the nominative case. The verb is saw. The object is lamb; therefore, it is in the objective case. Notice that the Latin verbs above all end in -it. Notice that the word lamb in English comes after the verb. Lamb is the object. In Latin we do not depend on the order of words to show the object—we depend on the ending. Notice that many words above end in -m. That is the ending for the object. Some have -am: some have -um: some have -em. Notice the various endings for the nominative case. We need not be concerned about them today. After words like ad, cum, and in, we have still other endings. Do not bother about them now. We can understand the story without knowing about them. There is no Latin word for the, no word for a or an. Just supply these in English when you need them.
Columbusprop. nonnon: adv. Eng: not fuitsum: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: be puella.puella: noun.nom.sg.fem. Eng: girl Mariaprop. fuitsum: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: be puella.puella: noun.nom.sg.fem. Eng: girl Columbusprop. nonnon: adv. Eng: not fuitsum: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: be planus.planus: adj.nom.sg.masc. Eng: flat Fuitsum: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: be Columbusprop. rotundus?rotundus: adj.nom.sg.masc. EnG: round Columbusprop. nonnon: adv. Eng: not habuithabeo: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: have pecuniam.pecunia: noun.acc.sg.fem. Eng: money Isabellaprop. habuithabeo: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: have pecuniam.pecunia: noun.acc.sg.fem. Eng: money Isabellaprop. nonnon: adv. Eng: not habuithabeo: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: have parvumparvus: adj.acc.sg.masc. Eng: small agnum.agnus: noun.acc.sg.masc. Eng: lamb Isabellaprop. habuithabeo: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: have pecuniam.pecunia: noun.acc.sg.fem. Eng: money Columbusprop. nonnon: adv. Eng: not habuithabeo: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: have parvumparvus: adj.acc.sg.masc. Eng: small agnum.agnus: noun.acc.sg.masc. Eng: small Mariaprop. habuithabeo: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: have parvumparvus: adj.acc.sg.masc. Eng: small agnum.agnus: noun.acc.sg.masc. Eng: small Mariaprop. nonnon: adv. Eng: not deditdo: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: give pecuniam.pecunia: noun.acc.sg.fem. Eng: money Isabellaprop. deditdo: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: give pecuniam.pecunia: noun.acc.sg.fem. Eng: money Sedsed: conj. Eng: but Mariaprop. nonnon: adv. Eng: not deditdo: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: give parvumparvus: adj.acc.sg.masc. Eng: small agnum.agnus: noun.acc.sg.masc. Eng: small Isabellaprop. nonnon: adv. Eng: not venitvenio: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: come inin: prep. Eng: to scholam.schola: noun.acc.sg.fem. Eng: school Columbusprop. nonnon: adv. Eng: not venitvenio: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: come inin: prep. Eng: to scholam.schola: noun.acc.sg.fem. Eng: school Columbusprop. venitvenio: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: come inin: prep. Eng: to Americam.prop. Columbusprop. nonnon: adv. Eng: not venitvenio: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: come inin: prep. Eng: to Americamprop. cumcum: prep. Eng: with agno.agnus: noun.abl.sg.masc. Eng: lamb Columbusprop. nonnon: adv. Eng: not venitvenio: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: come inin: prep. Eng: to Americamprop. cumcum: prep. Eng: with Isabella.prop. Isabellaprop. nonnon: adv. Eng: not venitvenio: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: come inin: prep. Eng: to Americamprop. cumcum: prep. Eng: with Columbo.prop. Isabellaprop. nonnon: adv. Eng: not venitvenio: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: come inin: prep. Eng: to navem.navis: noun.acc.sg.fem. Eng: ship Agnusagnus: noun.nom.sg.masc. Eng: lamb albusalbus: adj.nom.sg.masc. Eng: white nonnon: adv. Eng: not venitvenio: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: come inin: prep. Eng: to navem.navis: noun.acc.sg.fem. Eng: ship Mariaprop. nonnon: adv. Eng: not venitvenio: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: come inin: prep. Eng: to navem.navis: noun.acc.sg.fem. Eng: ship Agnusprop. albusalbus: adj.nom.sg.masc. Eng: white nonnon: adv. Eng: not fuitsum: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: be inin: prep. Eng: to India.prop. Columbusprop. nonnon: adv. Eng: not fuitsum: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: be inin: prep. Eng: to India.prop. Indiaprop. nonnon: adv. Eng: not estsum: verb.pres.3per.sg. Eng: be agnus.agnus: noun.nom.sg.masc. Eng: lamb Indiaprop. nonnon: adv. Eng: not estsum: verb.pres.3per.sg. Eng: be navis.navis: noun.acc.sg.fem. Eng: ship Columbusprop. fuitsum: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: be albus.albus: adj.nom.sg.masc. Eng: white Sedsed: conj. Eng: but Indiaprop. nonnon: adv. Eng: not fuitsum: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: be alba.albus: adj.nom.sg.fem. Eng: white Mundusmundus: noun.nom.sg.masc. Eng: world fuitsum: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: be rotundus.rotundus: adj.nom.sg.masc. Eng: round Sedsed: conj. Eng: but Indiaprop. nonnon: adv. Eng: not fuitsum: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: be alba.albus: adj.nom.sg.fem. Eng: white Mundusmundus: noun.nom.sg.masc. Eng: world fuitsum: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: be rotundus.rotundus: adj.nom.sg.masc. Eng: round Sedsed: conj. Eng: but Indiaprop. nonnon: adv. Eng: not fuitsum: verb.past.perf.3per.sg. Eng: be rotunda.rotundus: adj.nom.sg.fem. Eng: round
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