
These materials were originally compiled by Robert Bedrosian in his resource guide, Studies of Armenian Literature at Internet Archive, and are provided here as a mirror.


Nerses Akinean, Ղեւոնդ երէց պատմագիր [The Historian Ghewond the Priest], in 40 pdf pages. This important article appeared in the journal Hande's Amso'reay 43 (1929), column 330-348, 458-472, 593-619, 705-718.

Nicholas Adontz, Ղեւոնդ եւ Խորենացի [Ghewond and Xorenats'i], in 34 pdf pages. The article, which is a response to Father Nerses Akinean's deliberately provocative theory (that Ghewond and Xorenats'i are the same author), was originally published in the periodical Hayrenik' 11 (1933).

Manuk Abeghyan, Ղեւոնդ [Ghewond], from Հայոց հին գրականութեան պատմութիւն [History of Ancient Armenian Literature], vol. 1 (Beirut, 1959), in 7 pdf pages.

Garegin Zarbanalian, Ղեւոնդ [Ghewond], from Հայկական հին դպրութեան պատմութիւն [History of Ancient Armenian Literature] (Venice, 1897), in 3 pdf pages. An English translation of this article can be read here.

Arthur Jeffrey, Ghevond's Text of the Correspondence between 'Umar II and Leo III, in 65 pdf pages. From the Harvard Theological Review, 37 (1944). This is a translation and study of chapters 13-14 in Ghewond's History.


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